
Healthy + Sweet + Morning Snack + Late Night

These snacks will give your body the nutrients it needs to function. Keep them on hand for a great snack.

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A "No Peel" Apple Recipe To Make You Swoon

The apple season is in full swing here in New England and I can't stop buying them. The taste of fresh apples is one of life's great joys....

September 25, 2019  20 Comments


Healthy Apple Crisp Recipe **VIDEO**

This healthy apple crisp recipe is THE dessert of fall. It only uses one apple!....

October 16, 2017  39 Comments

A No Bake Cookie That Salutes Fall

I’ve spent some time trying not to bake, but I still love cookies. The best cookies, of course, are made with love....

September 4, 2012  48 Comments

The Best Brand of Yogurt You Can Buy

The title here is purposely misleading. I am just trying to get you to pay attention....

August 27, 2012  84 Comments


Spread It On or Dip It: The Best Yogurt Fruit Dip

Snack Girl has long advocated for an apple and peanut butter for a perfect snack. Basically, you got your fruit with a another whole food (peanuts) just blended up. Super yum!....

March 26, 2012  15 Comments


Take On The Prickly Fruit: In Season and Super Sweet

Pineapples are in season right now and costing about $2 each in my neck of the woods. YUM!...

February 29, 2012  11 Comments


Eight Exciting Things To Do With Bananas

When people meet me for the first time, what do you think they ask me? Where did you get your nails done?....

February 15, 2012  18 Comments


Sunshine in Your Fridge: Grapefruit Made Less Sour

Do you know when citrus fruits are in season? The one bright spot of the winter growing season is that NOW is the best time for fresh oranges and grapefruits....

January 16, 2012  17 Comments


Vegan, Luxurious, Hot......Chocolate

Snack Girl finds that most hot chocolate mixes are missing something important. They lack the most important flavor of all....

December 8, 2011  25 Comments


You Need To Cook With This Berry NOW! (Healthy Muffin Recipe)

Have you noticed the lovely bags of red berries greeting you in the produce aisle? Fresh cranberries are here!...

November 17, 2011  22 Comments


Love Late Night Desserts? Try This Healthy Version of Creme Brulee

For Snack Girl, there are two food groups that derail her mostly healthy eating efforts: alcohol and desserts. Don't you DARE mix the two together....

November 14, 2011  11 Comments


A Fantastic Snack From A Scary Place

You guys been anywhere scary lately? How about Costco where all your money seems to get scared out of your wallet?....

October 19, 2011  16 Comments


Dress Up Your Apple Slices With Cookie Dough Dip

Bored with the same old apple and peanut butter? Love to eat cookie dough out of the bowl?....

September 26, 2011  30 Comments


Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun

Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....

September 16, 2011  8 Comments


Who Else Lost Their Virginity This Month?

See those lovely jars of apple butter? Snack Girl made them in a fit of unbridled domesticity....

September 12, 2011  24 Comments


Mix Pancakes With Oatmeal And You Get A Super Breakfast

Snack Girl keeps working on the perfect pancake. It is the "cake" part that gets me striving for the elusive goal of tasty and nutritious....

August 30, 2011  21 Comments


This Muffin Can Save Your Life

I know what you are thinking. How can a muffin save a life? Don't we usually use things like electrified paddles?....

August 25, 2011  37 Comments


Got Fruit On The Edge? Don't Toss It - Try This

Snack Girl is a sucker for "buy one get one free" and she finds herself stocking up on perishables. Not a smart move since these perishables tend to rot before my family eats them....

August 15, 2011  15 Comments


One More Thing To Do With Watermelon

Snack Girl has been obsessed with watermelon. My fridge seems always to have half a watermelon staring out at me....

August 12, 2011  13 Comments


Create A Better Snack With Carrots

The healthiest eaters among us incorporate vegetables or fruit in every meal. This can be tricky because vegetables take time to peel, dice, chop and wash....

August 8, 2011  15 Comments


A Refreshingly Sweet Zero Calorie Beverage With No Artificial Sweetener

When did you all start to drink Diet Coke? For Snack Girl, it was high school and I thought the stuff was awesome!

July 19, 2011  30 Comments


Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good

Snack Girl is chomping on watermelon and loving it. A hot day, a slice of watermelon, and watermelon juice all over the place. This is summer!...

July 11, 2011  29 Comments


A Tasty Low Calorie Bar With 50% of Your Daily Fiber

Snack Girl wishes that she liked packaged bars. Most of them are reaching for a nutrition halo that they simply don't deserve....

June 16, 2011  162 Comments


Hate Bananas? Try These Pumpkin Bites

Back in April, Snack Girl posted what she thought was an awesome cereal bar recipe. People complained!

May 10, 2011  41 Comments


A Healthy Packaged Snack For Your Lunch Box

If your kids are like mine, they love packaged things above fresh things. Why?....

April 29, 2011  15 Comments


Get Your Spring On With This Vegetable

Last year, Snack Girl featured one of her FAVORITE Spring vegetables and no one read my post. No, I won't give up....

April 26, 2011  35 Comments


The BEST Post Workout Snack

Whether you do yoga, walk, spin, bike, run, or swim, you usually get hungry after activity. Many people reach for energy bars such as PowerBar, but with a little creativity, you can do a WHOLE lot better....

April 20, 2011  18 Comments


Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again

Yes, you can do it! You can give up your beloved french fries and celebrate their exit from your life.....

March 14, 2011  32 Comments


Try This Healthy Pie.....Naked

Here at Snack Girl headquarters clothing is optional (for the 4 and under set). This is also true of our pies....

March 2, 2011  36 Comments


Are Canned Peaches A Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl is seriously missing her peaches. Summer seems years away!...

February 17, 2011  35 Comments


This Smoothie Will Blow Your Mind

Snack Girl isn't really a fan of smoothies because she finds them too sweet. But, there is one style of smoothie that motivates her to get out the blender.

February 3, 2011  36 Comments


Simple, Delicious, and Low Calorie Smoothie Recipes from Camp Shane

If you’re looking for a snack that tastes delicious AND is good for you, then you’re in for a treat!

January 7, 2011  19 Comments


Make Winter Warmer With Apple and Peanut Butter Oatmeal

Are you bored with your oatmeal? Let's give it a makeover!....

December 28, 2010  34 Comments


Don't Forget This Classic

Out of fresh fruit? Can't make it to the store?...

December 16, 2010  14 Comments


You Won't Miss The Butter In This Holiday Banana Bread

Can you trick your pals into believing you used a stick of butter to make your banana bread? I think so!...

December 7, 2010  18 Comments


Cut Your Morning Sugar Consumption in Half With This Cereal

Since posting: Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal, Snack Girl has scoured the cereal aisle looking for healthy choices....

November 2, 2010  11 Comments


A Healthy Halloween Snack

Halloween is arriving in a mere 12 days and it is all my kids can talk about. We are decorating the house and getting ready for the festivities....

October 20, 2010  5 Comments


Can A New Drink Change Your Life?

Recently, a reader sent me a strange message about Almond Breeze. She wrote that it had CHANGED HER LIFE!...

October 18, 2010  43 Comments


Healthy Banana Pudding from Jack LaLanne

Before Jillian Michaels, Jane Fonda, and Zumba there was Jack LaLanne. He presented fitness and exercise advice on TV for 34 years!...

October 14, 2010  19 Comments


Chocolate Pumpkin Protein Bars - YUM!

You would expect that a food blog called would be set in a rural spot like Athens, GA....

October 4, 2010  31 Comments


Mix It Up For A Delicious Snack

Do you sometimes get bored with the same old snack? Perhaps the snack you brought to work is SO dull, you make a little trip to the vending machine....

September 21, 2010  39 Comments


Healthy Halloween Candy

Snack Girl visited her neighborhood Target this weekend and found Halloween candy stacked to the rafters. So, I decided I would beat out all the other healthy eating blogs on October's favorite topic - candy....

September 20, 2010  29 Comments


A Great Choice For A Frozen Waffle

Breakfastpalooza continues here on Snack Girl with a question about frozen waffles....

September 16, 2010  13 Comments


A Grab And Go Breakfast With Staying Power

My daughter begged me to serve her pancakes for her first day of school. Pancakes are usually a weekend treat, but how could I deny her?...

September 13, 2010  24 Comments


A Cherry Tomato Salad For Summer

My farm share just gave us the go ahead to pick AS MANY cherry tomatoes as we want! Is that crazy?....

August 18, 2010  10 Comments


A Breakfast Cereal You Can Feel Good About

Back in March, I wrote Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal and since then I have been on a search for cereals that pass my, "Healthy or Crappy Cereal Test" (patent pending :)...

August 5, 2010  15 Comments


You Need A New Food Obsession

Do you ever find yourself driving around in search of the perfect food? The vision of this food haunts you and keeps you hunting for the experience of tasting it again....

July 12, 2010  13 Comments


How To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a tough disease to prevent. It exists in many forms and there is no vaccine....

June 29, 2010  12 Comments


An Amazing Apple Pie Makeover In Two Minutes

Is it possible to cut the calories of apple pie in half and have it still taste good? Well, when you are working with food as great as Apples anything is possible....

June 17, 2010  19 Comments


When It Heats Up Try This Simple Zero Calorie Drink

There is usually just one small step from ordinary to elegant. I know that sounds optimistic, but sometimes just a little change makes ALL the difference.

May 20, 2010  16 Comments


Try Rhubarb - In Season Now and Super Yummy

The best place to find healthy eating inspiration is your local produce source. And if you pay attention, you will see that there are vegetables and fruits that arrive at different times of year....

May 10, 2010  6 Comments


Cheerios: A Good Choice For a Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl has spent A LOT of time in the cereal aisle looking for a great choice for Snack Girl readers. It isn't easy to find a cereal that passes the Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal test...

May 6, 2010  16 Comments


DIY Microwave Popcorn: Healthy, Yummy, and CHEAP

Popcorn is a whole grain snack that is really low in calories and has that great crunch we crave. But, the packaged stuff in the supermarket is expensive and can be high in sodium....

April 22, 2010  27 Comments


Banana Quesadilla: A Delicious After-Exercise Snack

Whether you do yoga, walk, spin, bike, run, or swim, you usually get hungry after activity. Many people reach for energy bars such as PowerBar, but with a little creativity, you can do a WHOLE lot better....

April 21, 2010  21 Comments


How To Pick Healthy Bread - A Toast to Toast

One of the first snacks suggested for Snack-Girl was toast. It is simple, versatile, and if you choose right, a healthy choice....

April 8, 2010  24 Comments


Healthy Lavash Chips from Danica's Daily

Snack-Girl is always on the hunt for other blogs that inform her readers. Danica of Danica's Daily posts her healthy food consumption every day for people to follow.

March 25, 2010  3 Comments


Love Ice Cream? Try This 130 Calorie Makeover

Snack-Girl has been on the hunt for yogurt that makes her heart flutter. A yogurt so good that she wouldn't even miss ice cream. Is it possible?...

March 2, 2010  41 Comments


Streamline Your Morning in One Step

Do you dread getting out of bed in the morning? Are you overwhelmed by the enormity of the tasks ahead? Take one job off your list right now!...

February 25, 2010  7 Comments


Easy Apple Strudel from A Fit And Spicy Life

Using apples in a recipe is always a great idea. This post from A Fit and Spicy Life is a delicious way to enjoy them for a sometimes treat....

February 19, 2010  4 Comments


Desperately Seeking Delicious and Healthy Yogurt

The yogurt choices in the supermarket seem infinite. They seem to be only surpassed by cereal with all the crazy flavors and brands. After posting Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt, Snack-Girl has been on the hunt for a great yogurt choice....

February 15, 2010  37 Comments


This Food is An Instant Party in Your Mouth

Is there a food out there that can explode with taste and also fight cancer? The obvious answer is berries, but the fresh ones are pretty pricey....

January 26, 2010  12 Comments


No-Bake, Nut Butter, Oatmeal Cookie

Let's be honest. Nobody has time to bake. Okay, if you have time to bake, you are in the minority. My favorite snacks are one that are just assembled from readily available ingredients and served with no mess....

January 19, 2010  20 Comments


The Fastest, Healthiest Snack in the West

Are you bored with the same old dull snacks? Do you need a way to "dress-up" your healthy snack?...

January 11, 2010  17 Comments


How to Replace Butter without Sacrificing Flavor

Is it possible? Can you remove butter from a great recipe and still want to eat it? Well, I was skeptical, until I decided to work this out for my waistline....

December 7, 2009  5 Comments


Much Yummier than a LaraBar

Dear Snack-Girl Readers, I receive snacks from manufacturers to review for this site. I always put a line at the bottom of the review to indicate that status....

December 3, 2009  7 Comments


Winter's Miracle Fruit

Their dazzling color and shape are too lovely to believe. Shall I buy them for Christmas? Shall I give them as a gift?...

November 30, 2009  4 Comments


Ready Snax - in the Produce Aisle

Do you have time to cut up an apple or peel and slice a carrot? No? Well, join the club. Every day, I get up, run to my fridge and start chopping (in my dreams)....

November 20, 2009  4 Comments


Lara Bar - Only 2 Ingredients

The holy grail for healthy packaged snacking is finding a snack with fewer than 5 ingredients. The Lara Bar fits this definition well....

November 13, 2009  6 Comments


A Healthy 100 Calorie Snack Pack

How can you eat healthy without spending a lot of time or money? This is a vexing question because most of us are limited in either money or time (and most likely - both)....

November 6, 2009  2 Comments


Eat a Little Bit of Sunshine

We don't ordinarily think about the sun, water, and nutrients absorbed by a food when we eat it. We usually just eat it....

October 19, 2009  2 Comments


Imagine Being On Vacation

Are there certain foods that remind you of vacation spots? It seems that most tropical destinations have a form of fruit salad to start your day....

September 24, 2009  1 Comment


How to Get What You Pay For

We take medicine to make us feel better when we get sick. We undergo all kind of treatments to get rid of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and we pay oodles of money for these treatments....

September 8, 2009  4 Comments


How to Make an Apple Last 2 Years

Bear Fruit Bars do not occur in nature, but they are made of natural ingredients. They are made by a small, family run company called Mountain Organic Foods....

August 6, 2009  1 Comment


Healthy Homemade Granola

You can buy all sorts of different brands of granola. Granola comes in bags, boxes or bulk. It is found in the cereal aisle, the health food store, and the corner market....

August 3, 2009  2 Comments


The secret to eating lots and not getting fat

How much can you eat before you start gaining weight? Obviously, this depends on what you eat....

July 30, 2009  2 Comments

chocolate milk

A new sports drink?

Most of us don't think of milk as a sports drink. The drink aisle abounds with neon colors of Gatorade and Powerade to entice us to recharge after and during exercise....

July 27, 2009  2 Comments


How to replace soda without mourning

Seven percent of the average American's calories come from soda (see reference below). What if you could reduce or even eliminate soda from your diet?...

July 16, 2009  3 Comments

Homemade energy bar

Energy Bar Recipe

At $2 per bar, products like PowerBar can really take a bite out of your wallet. Of course they are incredibly convenient to buy and eat. Can you really make these at home?...

July 6, 2009  20 Comments

water melon

The goodness of tomato packed in a melon

Isn't watermelon just water? It is actually over 90% water, but that leftover 10% is pretty great. For example, watermelon has more lycopene than tomatoes....

July 2, 2009

Ants on a Log

Fun for kids to make and eat (adults too!)

Ants on a log is a combination of celery, cream cheese (or peanut butter), and raisins...

June 18, 2009  2 Comments


Snap along to a healthy place

Pre-washed stringless sugar snap peas can be found in your local supermarket in a plastic bag. Those of us...

June 10, 2009


Tropical fruit for North Americans

I never had a mango until I visited Mexico in 1987. I bought one from a street vendor, and just sunk my face into it. Wow! If a mango is perfectly fresh, it is an almost euphoric experience to eat it....

March 5, 2009  2 Comments


America's favorite fruit

Americans are bananas for bananas! They are the most consumed fruit in the United States and the world.

February 2, 2009  2 Comments


Orange you fabulous!

My grandfather would to send us a box of oranges for Christmas. I was pretty disappointed as a youngster because I was hoping for toys. But as an adult, I would appreciate the gift....

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Slices of heaven

Biting into a fresh nectarine is like tasting a summer's day. So many flavors play over your tongue as you taste one....

February 2, 2009


Luxurious, low in calorie, and nutritious

If fresh raspberries were cheaper, I would eat them all the time! They are sweet, luscious, and arguably very good for you....

February 2, 2009


An apple a day is cheaper than health insurance

"An apple a day will keep the doctor away" goes the proverb. I think we can all agree that apples are much cheaper than health insurance. Can an apple really make good on its promise?...

February 2, 2009  1 Comment

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