
Smiley Face + Under 100 Calories + Late Night + Salty

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Kale Chips: Believe The Hype

Kale is getting a lot of press and finding its way on all the top blogs. I had to ask this kale to stop on the red carpet to photograph it....

March 19, 2012  59 Comments


A Simple Way To Dress Up An Egg

Snack Girl is on an egg kick because eggs are just SO nutritious....

February 13, 2012  16 Comments


Looking For A Low Cal Burger? Give This Yummy, Simple, and Vegan Burger A Shot

I recently noticed that my favorite brew pub has a VEGGIE burger on its menu. Yes, we have shifted a bit when it comes to our burger consumption....

January 30, 2012  25 Comments


Peanut Butter Lovers: A 45 Calorie Solution That Will Save Your Waistline

Snack Girl features peanut butter A LOT. I happen to love the stuff and I use it almost every day....

January 4, 2012  113 Comments


Lighter Latkes (Potato Pancakes) For Hanukkah

THE holiday food of Hanukkah is the potato pancake (AKA latke). The traditional recipe for potato latkes can include 3-4 cups of oil.....

December 20, 2011  11 Comments


Need Umami? Try Using Mushrooms Instead of Meat

When you think of foods that will help you replace red meat in your diet, what comes to your mind? Obviously, not celery....

December 6, 2011  11 Comments


Turn A Healthy Food That You Hate Into A New Love

How many of you out there hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

November 7, 2011  29 Comments


The Problem With Casseroles (And A Solution!)

Casseroles are serious comfort food - and you know what type of comfort food: cans of cream of mushroom soup mixed with noodles and frozen peas....

October 31, 2011  9 Comments


Love Salted Chocolate Caramels? Try This Healthy Candy Alternative

No one is ever going to accuse Snack Girl of not loving a WEE bit of chocolate. But, my taste bud credentials have been called into question....

October 17, 2011  30 Comments


Chill Out With Some Watermelon Tomato Soup

You see that leaf of basil up there? I wish that was ME! Why? Because it is 100F, and that soup is COLD....

July 25, 2011  7 Comments


Makeover The Best Selling Salad Dressing In America

Eating a lot of salad is a great way to maintain your health. And, when, you are asked which dressing you would like with that salad - many of you answer RANCH!....

July 20, 2011  18 Comments


A 100 Calorie Pizza That Will Rock Your Sox

You know what? It isn't that hard to make healthy pizza. Pizza would always be pretty healthy if we chose not to put 1/2 pound of cheese on every slice....

July 18, 2011  38 Comments


Think Like A Vegan And Make Jicama Slaw

Snack Girl listens to her readers and recently one (Danny) asked me to feature jicama. So, I decided to see if I could find it and figure out what to do with it....

July 14, 2011  14 Comments


Why Watermelon Makes Us Feel Good

Snack Girl is chomping on watermelon and loving it. A hot day, a slice of watermelon, and watermelon juice all over the place. This is summer!...

July 11, 2011  29 Comments


A Fruit You Just Gotta Try

Something green and yummy is sitting right now in your supermarket and it will make your taste buds sing. This fruit resembles a tomato and is a staple of Mexican cuisine...

July 7, 2011  15 Comments


Sweet Corn Is A Stellar Snack

Don't tell me you haven't noticed the piles of corn at the front of your local grocery store. The stacks of 10 ears for $2 are calling Snack Girl....

June 20, 2011  16 Comments


Suppress Your Appetite Without Drugs

Snack Girl receives desperate e-mails almost every day from people who are hungry and don't want to eat. Frankly, I never know what to say....

May 19, 2011  37 Comments


The Most Colorful Comfort Food

Snack Girl has a confession to make. She was a "hater" of vegetable soup. I know it is hard to believe - but I was....

May 18, 2011  19 Comments

Elegant, Easy, and Under 100 Calories

When you get tired of your apple and peanut butter, you need to go gourmet for your snack....

May 5, 2011  14 Comments


Lime, Salt, Ice, and Heidi Swanson (Giveaway)

Spring is here and Snack Girl is revving up her blender. My neighbors are a bit annoyed :)...

May 3, 2011  75 Comments


Love Chinese Take Out? Try This Trick

It is with a heavy heart that I criticize Chinese food here in the United States. Frankly, I used to live on this stuff until a doctor woke me up....

May 2, 2011  32 Comments


Veggie Burgers Can Be Better Than Meat Burgers (Seriously)

Snack Girl has been looking for a packaged veggie burger to endorse as a great snack. And, she hasn't found one :(...

April 27, 2011  35 Comments


See How Easily You Can Turn Cauliflower Into An Awesome Snack

Wouldn't it be cool if the snack aisle of your supermarket had bags of delicious cauliflower? Alas, you are going to have to break out your kitchen knife and make your own.

March 23, 2011  43 Comments


Never Eat Fast Food French Fries Again

Yes, you can do it! You can give up your beloved french fries and celebrate their exit from your life.....

March 14, 2011  32 Comments


Green Thing...You Make My Heart Sing

Green thing, I think I love you. Your arrival in my neighborhood Stop-&-Shop means SPRING is coming soon....

March 7, 2011  13 Comments

cheese stick

The Benefits of Cheese Sticks

The nice thing about individually packaged food is that you know exactly how many calories you are going to inhale....

February 4, 2011  29 Comments


Makeover Kettle Corn Into "Can Do" Corn

Kettle corn has that perfect combination of crunchy, salty, and sweet that keeps you eating it long after you should stop....

January 12, 2011  34 Comments


How To Avoid Wasting Carrots

Do you hate limp carrots? Do you buy a bag of carrots only to find that half of them are rotten by the time you get to eat them?...

January 10, 2011  24 Comments


Low Calorie Comfort Food - It Exists!

There is more than one way to create comfort. One way involves lots of calories and icing....

January 5, 2011  16 Comments


Love Sliders? Here Is A Healthy Version

In case you are wondering, a slider is a mini-sandwich or burger. I first encountered them at my neighborhood Chili's....

December 14, 2010  8 Comments


Saving The Brussels Sprouts

Any of you Snack Girl readers hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

November 15, 2010  22 Comments


Fast, Delicious, Healthy - What Else Could You Want?

Snack Girl's daily snack conundrum comes down to convenience. What can I grab to shove in my face when I'm hungry?....

November 8, 2010  22 Comments

Replace Mayo With This Healthy Spread

Seems like it is time to take on mayonnaise. I love the stuff, but when you start adding it to sandwiches, the calories sky rocket...

October 26, 2010  25 Comments


Don't Toss These Out!

Who likes to feel like their hands are in worm guts? You? The slimy inside of a pumpkin is a SCARY place....

October 12, 2010  16 Comments


How To Make Healthy Nachos

I know what you are thinking. The words "healthy" and "nachos" do not belong together in a sentence. But, Snack Girl has been sent a new product that has changed her mind....

October 11, 2010  14 Comments


A Ridiculously Simple and Elegant Party Snack

How can something be so delicious yet so utterly simple? Sometimes less is more when it comes to food....

September 29, 2010  12 Comments


The Healthiest Microwave Popcorn

A while back, I wrote a post on Homemade Microwave Popcorn that was enjoyed by many. The simplicity of it was shocking....

September 6, 2010  20 Comments


Skinny Italian Tomato Snack Recipe

Skinny Italian seems like an oxymoron. Can you eat pasta by the tons and still be skinny?...

August 24, 2010  75 Comments


Kale Chips

There are bunches of kale ready to eat in someone's garden right now. What are you going to do with it all?...

July 27, 2010  31 Comments


Got Watermelon? Try This Awesome and Simple Recipe

This is the season of watermelon. Supermarkets position these lovely creatures right at the front door so they hop into your cart! Really!...

July 8, 2010  18 Comments


How To Choose Healthy Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great addition to a healthy snack. Spreading it on apples or crackers is an excellent way to add fat and protein (and taste!) to a dull food....

June 16, 2010  65 Comments


63 Calories of Salty, Sweet, Sour, Spicy and Veggie Goodness for a Dime

After writing about Parmesan Corn Recipe, I felt bad about adulterating corn into a high calorie food. Parmesan Corn Recipe is a GREAT snack, but not the best choice for us who are watching our weight....

June 14, 2010  12 Comments


What The World Eats (Cheap and Healthy)

Many poor people in the United States don't buy fresh fruits and vegetables because they are expensive relative to processed foods. I agree that a $1 hamburger will fill you up much more than a $1 apple (and, yes, they can cost that much)....

June 2, 2010  21 Comments


A Little Ranch Dressing Isn't Gonna Kill Ya

Raw vegetables are probably the healthiest food that you can eat. Low in calories, high in vitamins and fiber, it is hard to go wrong. Why don't we eat more of them?...

May 31, 2010  10 Comments


20 Yummy Potato Chips for 120 Calories

It is not a secret that Snack Girl LOVES chips. I have tried a number of them for the site, and my favorite has been Baked Lays. Move on over Baked Lays - a NEW chip is in town....

May 26, 2010  12 Comments


Cheerios: A Good Choice For a Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl has spent A LOT of time in the cereal aisle looking for a great choice for Snack Girl readers. It isn't easy to find a cereal that passes the Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal test...

May 6, 2010  16 Comments


Olive Tapenade from Clean Food Cookbook

How many of you want to be healthy and sustainable? I'm not sure what sustainable means exactly - but if it means I'm living a long life then bring it on!...

May 4, 2010  4 Comments


DIY Microwave Popcorn: Healthy, Yummy, and CHEAP

Popcorn is a whole grain snack that is really low in calories and has that great crunch we crave. But, the packaged stuff in the supermarket is expensive and can be high in sodium....

April 22, 2010  27 Comments


Smokeratoes: A Fabulous New Snack

Sometimes you have to open your eyes to what is in front of you. Recently, my vision changed in the canned seafood section of the supermarket. There was a product I had never noticed on my search for great tuna fish....

April 14, 2010  9 Comments


How To Pick Healthy Bread - A Toast to Toast

One of the first snacks suggested for Snack-Girl was toast. It is simple, versatile, and if you choose right, a healthy choice....

April 8, 2010  24 Comments


Do NOT Be Afraid of This Vegetable - In Season NOW and Yummy!

A sure sign of that spring is here is the lovely strawberries, asparagus and artichokes that show up in the supermarkets. My store has them right at the entrance beckoning to me....

April 7, 2010  17 Comments


Change Your Deviled Eggs into Angeled Eggs (Low Cal Recipe)

Snack-Girl is a working mother and sometimes she doesn't get around to things as timely as other food writers. I would say most food blogs featured deviled eggs last week. Now that I have 2 dozen Hard Boiled Eggs in my fridge, I am ON IT!...

April 6, 2010  13 Comments

A Rare Find: A Packaged Food that is Healthy and Delicious!

Given the state of manufactured food in this country (think Twinkies), it can be difficult to trust that you can find something healthy and packaged. Snack-Girl is ALWAYS on the lookout for food that makes life easier and is good for you....

April 1, 2010  25 Comments


Celebrating Easter? Wow Your Family with This Luxurious Low Cal Dip

Easter is around the corner, and for many it is a time to get together with family and share a BIG meal. What can you make that will be both luxurious and keep you from unbuttoning your pants?...

March 29, 2010  29 Comments


Feeling Crabby? Try This Cure

Convenience foods are typically worse for you than food that you make yourself. But, once in a while a product shows up that is truly healthy and helpful to the time-stretched among us....

March 8, 2010  3 Comments


Turn Cauliflower into YUMMYflower

You can eat 2 cups of cauliflower and only add 88 calories to your waistline. Not only that, but the stuff is really good for you. This is one of the vegetables your doctor is telling you to eat....

March 1, 2010  22 Comments


Visit the Doctor to Get an Awesome Cracker

The search for a great cracker has ended with an entry from Texas. Organic and artisan-baked, these crackers are better than anything I have tried in a LONG time....

February 24, 2010  6 Comments


Beyond Hard Boiled Eggs

Eggs are incredibly nutritious. Just think, a baby embryo was supposed to consume that yolk to become a chick! (hmmmm, maybe you don't want to think about that :)...

February 22, 2010  11 Comments


A Grecian Snack for All Time

Simple, elegant, and delicious, you can't go wrong with olives for a healthy snack. Olive bars have been popping up in supermarkets all over the country, and I, for one, am a BIG fan....

January 21, 2010  8 Comments


A Whole Food Snack of Salty Deliciousness and A Winner!

I really appreciate Snack-Girl readers, and am thrilled when someone suggests something that I need to review. Crystal wrote me a very nice e-mail admonishing me for leaving these veggie goodies off the site. So, today, I will fix this situation....

January 14, 2010  2 Comments


How To Bake Your Own Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day

If you could make your own healthy bread in five minutes a day would you do it? Could you find the time for such an enterprise?...

January 12, 2010  11 Comments


The Tiniest (and Yummiest) Pizzas on The Planet

The quest for the quickest (and healthiest) pizza continues! One dedicated Snack-Girl reader, Theresa, sent me her solution for a pizza makeover after I posted English Muffin Pizza....

December 28, 2009  18 Comments


Homeless People Don't Need Vegetables

A couple days before Thanksgiving, I called our local "Survival Center" to find out how I could help. I was ready to roast a turkey, clean up, or help serve....

December 11, 2009  8 Comments


Keep Your Kid Occupied While You Cook

We have featured Hard Boiled Egg before as a great snack. My pal, Damaris, over at The Little Foodie has a great idea for keeping kids quiet while you cook dinner....

November 19, 2009


A Healthy 100 Calorie Snack Pack

How can you eat healthy without spending a lot of time or money? This is a vexing question because most of us are limited in either money or time (and most likely - both)....

November 6, 2009  2 Comments


How to Eat More Vegetables

There can be no doubt that eating vegetables is good for you. Scientific study after study proclaim their health benefits....

November 4, 2009  2 Comments


A Dip that Won't Kill You

Have you noticed how many calories a sour cream and onion dip has? We can fool ourselves into believing we are eating healthily by dipping veggies in these dips....

November 2, 2009  11 Comments


Quick and Healthy Pizza

Is it necessary to add 3/4 of a pound of cheese to a pizza to have it be delicious? Do you need a cheese stuffed crust to have a great eating experience? I don't think so....

October 26, 2009  20 Comments


Is There Such a Thing as Tasty Paper?

Hidden in the "Asian" section of your supermarket is a papery substance that is food. My package actually proclaims that the company that makes the stuff has been in business since 1690....

September 21, 2009  5 Comments


How to Turn the Dull into the Delicious

Sitting on the shelf with all the bright colored Fritos and Doritos is the lowly pretzel....

September 14, 2009  3 Comments

cheese and crackers

Cheese and Crackers

This classic combination turns out to be an pretty good snack. The key is to use real cheese...

June 15, 2009  2 Comments


A few slices of salami go a long way

Why do I recommend salami? Well first of all, the taste is very strong. If you have a few thin slices for a snack, you probably won't be able to eat much more.

March 5, 2009



If you like crackers, Triscuits (or whole wheat baked snack crackers) are for you. They are salty and crunchy and great alternative to the higher fat alternatives such as potato chips or Doritos....

February 2, 2009  8 Comments

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