
Healthy + Afternoon Snack + Sweet + Packaged

These snacks will give your body the nutrients it needs to function. Keep them on hand for a great snack.

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What You Need To Know About McDonald's Oatmeal

McDonald’s oatmeal has been around since 2011 and it has barely changed since its debut....

April 15, 2020  47 Comments


Fab Snack Finds For Keeping It Fun

Snack Girl LOVES to surf.....the internet. Actually, I have tried actual surfing in the ocean and my style is more "under the water" surfing....

September 16, 2011  8 Comments


A Refreshingly Sweet Zero Calorie Beverage With No Artificial Sweetener

When did you all start to drink Diet Coke? For Snack Girl, it was high school and I thought the stuff was awesome!

July 19, 2011  30 Comments


Coconut Milk Ice Cream Sandwiches from So Delicious

Yes, folks, it is FRIDAY and time to give away some ice cream to a lucky reader. Where I am located it is HOT and STICKY. I usually advocate for homemade popsicles but today is different...

July 15, 2011  300 Comments

Lighter, Fluffier Trail Mix

Trail mix is for taking on your hike. Anyone been on a hike lately? No? Me, neither....

June 30, 2011  11 Comments


A Tasty Low Calorie Bar With 50% of Your Daily Fiber

Snack Girl wishes that she liked packaged bars. Most of them are reaching for a nutrition halo that they simply don't deserve....

June 16, 2011  162 Comments


Raspberry Lemonade With 50% Less Sugar From Tropicana: Healthy?

After Snack Girl's trip to McD's last week (see: McDonald's Frozen Strawberry Lemonade: Don't Believe The Hype ), she decided to hit Target for the latest from Tropicana....

June 1, 2011  22 Comments


The Problem With Trail Mix Solved

Trail mix should be the perfect snack. It is portable and will stay fresh in your backpack for hours!....

May 13, 2011  129 Comments


A Healthy Packaged Snack For Your Lunch Box

If your kids are like mine, they love packaged things above fresh things. Why?....

April 29, 2011  15 Comments


Sugar Free Gum Without Artificial Sweeteners or Colors? It Exists!

Sugar free gum is a great tool for helping you lose weight. AND, chewing a piece of gum (instead of a cookie) can help you relieve stress....

April 5, 2011  50 Comments


Are Canned Peaches A Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl is seriously missing her peaches. Summer seems years away!...

February 17, 2011  35 Comments


A Magical and Healthy Packaged Snack

Snack Girl has a confession to make. She has begun to receive MANY snack samples in the mail....

January 21, 2011  179 Comments


Need Some Intense Dark Twilight Delight?

Since this is a family blog, you KNOW I am talking about dark chocolate. Snack Girl was cruising through the candy aisle when she found these....

January 20, 2011  15 Comments


A Healthy Snack Friend In The Ice Cream Aisle

Snack Girl tends to avoid the frozen foods aisle. Why? Well, when she sees the 2 for $5 Ben & Jerry's she gets weak in the knees....

January 6, 2011  15 Comments


Don't Forget This Classic

Out of fresh fruit? Can't make it to the store?...

December 16, 2010  14 Comments


Lessons From a Coconut

I was driving my minivan packed with soccer kids, drinking a pina colada.....when I woke up....

December 8, 2010  16 Comments


Cut Your Morning Sugar Consumption in Half With This Cereal

Since posting: Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal, Snack Girl has scoured the cereal aisle looking for healthy choices....

November 2, 2010  11 Comments


Healthier Brownies With A Secret Ingredient

Snack Girl is not someone who thinks you should alter the almighty brownie treat. Why take something so indulgent and delicious and change it?....

October 21, 2010  48 Comments


Can A New Drink Change Your Life?

Recently, a reader sent me a strange message about Almond Breeze. She wrote that it had CHANGED HER LIFE!...

October 18, 2010  43 Comments


Healthy Halloween Candy

Snack Girl visited her neighborhood Target this weekend and found Halloween candy stacked to the rafters. So, I decided I would beat out all the other healthy eating blogs on October's favorite topic - candy....

September 20, 2010  29 Comments


A Great Choice For A Frozen Waffle

Breakfastpalooza continues here on Snack Girl with a question about frozen waffles....

September 16, 2010  13 Comments


Avoid The Evil Muffin at Starbucks With This Healthy Snack (Giveaway, too!)

Starbucks is a great place for a pick me up. People stop there and grab something to keep them awake....

September 8, 2010  170 Comments


A Breakfast Cereal You Can Feel Good About

Back in March, I wrote Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal and since then I have been on a search for cereals that pass my, "Healthy or Crappy Cereal Test" (patent pending :)...

August 5, 2010  15 Comments


How To Pick A Healthy Jam or Jelly

It isn’t that hard to find a healthy jam or jelly if you know what to look for....

July 26, 2010  24 Comments


A Nutritious, Nutty, and Chocolately 100 Calorie Snack

It is not easy to combine the words "chocolate" and "100 calories" in the same sentence. While Dark Chocolate is nutritious, you have to be careful with the quantities....

July 15, 2010  16 Comments


The Odwalla Smoothie Dilemma

What could be wrong about an entire mango in a bottle of juice? What if there was no added sugar but just non-GMO fruit mixed in a bottle for your healthy consumption?...

June 23, 2010  19 Comments


A Kid's Energy Bar for Lunch Boxes and Adults

I was first introduced to these bars on a tour of a supermarket with a nutritionist. "THESE are great bars!", she said. I was skeptical....

June 8, 2010  7 Comments


KINDa Fabulous: A Nutritionally Dense Snack Bar

What the world needs is some serious KINDness. Okay, that doesn't seem realistic - but you could pick up KIND at your local convenience store!...

May 11, 2010  12 Comments


Cheerios: A Good Choice For a Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl has spent A LOT of time in the cereal aisle looking for a great choice for Snack Girl readers. It isn't easy to find a cereal that passes the Candy or Breakfast? Evaluate Your Cereal test...

May 6, 2010  16 Comments


A Zero Calorie Drink With A Twist

Drink manufacturers know that Soda is harming many people. They want to help you end your Soda addiction with a bunch of new flavored and low calorie alternatives....

April 15, 2010  9 Comments


Applesauce On The Go - A Packaged Snack With Promise

Why is it that something with a wrapper is preferable to a a whole food such as Apples? One of the reasons processed food sells so well is that an apple doesn't have a gold wrapper around it....

April 9, 2010


Have it Your Way (and I'm not talking about BK)

Snack-Girl has become a cereal magnet now that she starting writing about breakfast.The best part of this new development is that yummy things show up on my doorstep....

March 26, 2010  4 Comments


Love Ice Cream? Try This 130 Calorie Makeover

Snack-Girl has been on the hunt for yogurt that makes her heart flutter. A yogurt so good that she wouldn't even miss ice cream. Is it possible?...

March 2, 2010  41 Comments


Desperately Seeking Delicious and Healthy Yogurt

The yogurt choices in the supermarket seem infinite. They seem to be only surpassed by cereal with all the crazy flavors and brands. After posting Yoplait Strawberry Yogurt, Snack-Girl has been on the hunt for a great yogurt choice....

February 15, 2010  37 Comments


This Food is An Instant Party in Your Mouth

Is there a food out there that can explode with taste and also fight cancer? The obvious answer is berries, but the fresh ones are pretty pricey....

January 26, 2010  12 Comments


Customize Your Healthy Chocolate Treat

What if you could create the chocolate of your dreams in a few easy steps? What would you add to your chocolate if you had a ton of different flavors at the tips of your fingers?....

January 15, 2010  3 Comments


Replace Your Morning Scone (or Donut): First Step

I know what is stopping me from losing the tire of chub that sits on my belly. Baked goods....

December 14, 2009  14 Comments


Much Yummier than a LaraBar

Dear Snack-Girl Readers, I receive snacks from manufacturers to review for this site. I always put a line at the bottom of the review to indicate that status....

December 3, 2009  7 Comments


Ready Snax - in the Produce Aisle

Do you have time to cut up an apple or peel and slice a carrot? No? Well, join the club. Every day, I get up, run to my fridge and start chopping (in my dreams)....

November 20, 2009  4 Comments


Lara Bar - Only 2 Ingredients

The holy grail for healthy packaged snacking is finding a snack with fewer than 5 ingredients. The Lara Bar fits this definition well....

November 13, 2009  6 Comments

dark chocolate

Healthy Chocolate

Replacing your "junk food" chocolate with a nutritious chocolate is a way to give yourself a luxurious treat you deserve....

November 9, 2009  5 Comments


A Healthy 100 Calorie Snack Pack

How can you eat healthy without spending a lot of time or money? This is a vexing question because most of us are limited in either money or time (and most likely - both)....

November 6, 2009  2 Comments


A Healthy Snack for a Busy World

Do you have time to sit and peel a fresh mango every time you want a snack? No? Well, I'm sure you are in the majority....

October 15, 2009  3 Comments


How to Make an Apple Last 2 Years

Bear Fruit Bars do not occur in nature, but they are made of natural ingredients. They are made by a small, family run company called Mountain Organic Foods....

August 6, 2009  1 Comment

chocolate milk

A new sports drink?

Most of us don't think of milk as a sports drink. The drink aisle abounds with neon colors of Gatorade and Powerade to entice us to recharge after and during exercise....

July 27, 2009  2 Comments

chocolate raisins

Candy that is good for you

Can you have a treat that is also nutritious? Absolutely. There is no reason why you need to chose a food that lacks nutrients to get a great treat.

April 24, 2009  4 Comments

dark chocolate

Chocolate is made from plants

Why is dark chocolate good for you? Most people don't realize that dark chocolate is derived from plants....

February 20, 2009  3 Comments

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