
Healthy + Under 100 Calories + Whole Food + Kid Friendly

These snacks will give your body the nutrients it needs to function. Keep them on hand for a great snack.

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The “Worst Food In America” Gets a Makeover

I have not been the recipient of any free zucchini this summer but I know it is coming.....

July 14, 2014  15 Comments


Take On The Prickly Fruit: In Season and Super Sweet

Pineapples are in season right now and costing about $2 each in my neck of the woods. YUM!...

February 29, 2012  11 Comments


Want To Have It All? Try This Trick For Healthy Ice Cream

This photo is not going to win any awards. It is hard to shoot anything resembling ice cream because it melts!...

February 27, 2012  27 Comments


Sweet Corn Is A Stellar Snack

Don't tell me you haven't noticed the piles of corn at the front of your local grocery store. The stacks of 10 ears for $2 are calling Snack Girl....

June 20, 2011  16 Comments


Are Canned Peaches A Healthy Snack?

Snack Girl is seriously missing her peaches. Summer seems years away!...

February 17, 2011  35 Comments


Don't Forget This Classic

Out of fresh fruit? Can't make it to the store?...

December 16, 2010  14 Comments


Saving The Brussels Sprouts

Any of you Snack Girl readers hate Brussels Sprouts? I bet you are really looking forward to them on your Thanksgiving table....

November 15, 2010  22 Comments


Don't Toss These Out!

Who likes to feel like their hands are in worm guts? You? The slimy inside of a pumpkin is a SCARY place....

October 12, 2010  16 Comments


You Need A New Food Obsession

Do you ever find yourself driving around in search of the perfect food? The vision of this food haunts you and keeps you hunting for the experience of tasting it again....

July 12, 2010  13 Comments


How To Prevent Cancer

Cancer is a tough disease to prevent. It exists in many forms and there is no vaccine....

June 29, 2010  12 Comments


How To Choose Healthy Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great addition to a healthy snack. Spreading it on apples or crackers is an excellent way to add fat and protein (and taste!) to a dull food....

June 16, 2010  65 Comments


63 Calories of Salty, Sweet, Sour, Spicy and Veggie Goodness for a Dime

After writing about Parmesan Corn Recipe, I felt bad about adulterating corn into a high calorie food. Parmesan Corn Recipe is a GREAT snack, but not the best choice for us who are watching our weight....

June 14, 2010  12 Comments


What The World Eats (Cheap and Healthy)

Many poor people in the United States don't buy fresh fruits and vegetables because they are expensive relative to processed foods. I agree that a $1 hamburger will fill you up much more than a $1 apple (and, yes, they can cost that much)....

June 2, 2010  21 Comments


A Little Ranch Dressing Isn't Gonna Kill Ya

Raw vegetables are probably the healthiest food that you can eat. Low in calories, high in vitamins and fiber, it is hard to go wrong. Why don't we eat more of them?...

May 31, 2010  10 Comments


Elegant, Easy, and Eggilicious

The best way to enjoy an egg doesn't involve any butter or cheese! Really! I know all those quiche lovers out there aren't going to believe me - but you have to give this a try....

May 18, 2010  15 Comments


Do NOT Be Afraid of This Vegetable - In Season NOW and Yummy!

A sure sign of that spring is here is the lovely strawberries, asparagus and artichokes that show up in the supermarkets. My store has them right at the entrance beckoning to me....

April 7, 2010  17 Comments


Replace French Fries with This Easy and Healthy Snack

The most eaten vegetable in the United States is the potato. Found in fast food venues from coast to coast the delicious French Fries are hard to avoid....

March 15, 2010  28 Comments


Turn Cauliflower into YUMMYflower

You can eat 2 cups of cauliflower and only add 88 calories to your waistline. Not only that, but the stuff is really good for you. This is one of the vegetables your doctor is telling you to eat....

March 1, 2010  22 Comments


This Food is An Instant Party in Your Mouth

Is there a food out there that can explode with taste and also fight cancer? The obvious answer is berries, but the fresh ones are pretty pricey....

January 26, 2010  12 Comments


A Grecian Snack for All Time

Simple, elegant, and delicious, you can't go wrong with olives for a healthy snack. Olive bars have been popping up in supermarkets all over the country, and I, for one, am a BIG fan....

January 21, 2010  8 Comments


A Whole Food Snack of Salty Deliciousness and A Winner!

I really appreciate Snack-Girl readers, and am thrilled when someone suggests something that I need to review. Crystal wrote me a very nice e-mail admonishing me for leaving these veggie goodies off the site. So, today, I will fix this situation....

January 14, 2010  2 Comments


The Fastest, Healthiest Snack in the West

Are you bored with the same old dull snacks? Do you need a way to "dress-up" your healthy snack?...

January 11, 2010  17 Comments


Save Money, Calories, and the Environment with this Yogurt

Is it possible to find a yogurt that tastes great and doesn't inflate your waist? Yes! Does yogurt have to have Sucralose or other artificial sweeteners to be low calorie? No!...

January 5, 2010  23 Comments


How To Make A Healthy and Glamorous Snack

Holiday parties don't have to be about meatballs, 7 layer dip, and cheese. You can do festive things with vegetables and people won't even realize they are eating them....

December 22, 2009  6 Comments


Much Yummier than a LaraBar

Dear Snack-Girl Readers, I receive snacks from manufacturers to review for this site. I always put a line at the bottom of the review to indicate that status....

December 3, 2009  7 Comments


Winter's Miracle Fruit

Their dazzling color and shape are too lovely to believe. Shall I buy them for Christmas? Shall I give them as a gift?...

November 30, 2009  4 Comments


Keep Your Kid Occupied While You Cook

We have featured Hard Boiled Egg before as a great snack. My pal, Damaris, over at The Little Foodie has a great idea for keeping kids quiet while you cook dinner....

November 19, 2009


A Healthy 100 Calorie Snack Pack

How can you eat healthy without spending a lot of time or money? This is a vexing question because most of us are limited in either money or time (and most likely - both)....

November 6, 2009  2 Comments


Eat a Little Bit of Sunshine

We don't ordinarily think about the sun, water, and nutrients absorbed by a food when we eat it. We usually just eat it....

October 19, 2009  2 Comments


How to Get What You Pay For

We take medicine to make us feel better when we get sick. We undergo all kind of treatments to get rid of diseases such as cancer and diabetes, and we pay oodles of money for these treatments....

September 8, 2009  4 Comments


The secret to eating lots and not getting fat

How much can you eat before you start gaining weight? Obviously, this depends on what you eat....

July 30, 2009  2 Comments

water melon

The goodness of tomato packed in a melon

Isn't watermelon just water? It is actually over 90% water, but that leftover 10% is pretty great. For example, watermelon has more lycopene than tomatoes....

July 2, 2009


Snap along to a healthy place

Pre-washed stringless sugar snap peas can be found in your local supermarket in a plastic bag. Those of us...

June 10, 2009


All the benefits of red wine without the alcohol

Most of us have heard that red wine has health benefits. The theory was conceived when we noticed that all those French people consumed alot of it and didn't get heart disease at the same rates as Americans. How amazing! An alcoholic drink that is actually good for you....

March 5, 2009


77 calories packed with nutrition

You get protein, lots of vitamins, fat and a whole slew of compounds that your body needs. So, eat eggs! Do not be afraid. But, try to keep it to 2 a day....

March 5, 2009  3 Comments


America's favorite fruit

Americans are bananas for bananas! They are the most consumed fruit in the United States and the world.

February 2, 2009  2 Comments


You won't be pear-shaped if you eat pears

I had this boss who used to worry about things going "pear-shaped". I still don't know what he was talking about, and I was always kinda worried he was talking about me.

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Orange you fabulous!

My grandfather would to send us a box of oranges for Christmas. I was pretty disappointed as a youngster because I was hoping for toys. But as an adult, I would appreciate the gift....

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Slices of heaven

Biting into a fresh nectarine is like tasting a summer's day. So many flavors play over your tongue as you taste one....

February 2, 2009


Cherries - a luscious springime treat

"If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What am I Doing in the Pits?", Erma Bombeck, (1985). I guess I am dating myself with this title, but it always makes me laugh....

February 2, 2009  1 Comment


Luxurious, low in calorie, and nutritious

If fresh raspberries were cheaper, I would eat them all the time! They are sweet, luscious, and arguably very good for you....

February 2, 2009


An apple a day is cheaper than health insurance

"An apple a day will keep the doctor away" goes the proverb. I think we can all agree that apples are much cheaper than health insurance. Can an apple really make good on its promise?...

February 2, 2009  1 Comment

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