
No-Bake, Nut Butter, Oatmeal Cookie

January 19, 2010   20 Comments

Let's be honest. Nobody has time to bake. Okay, if you have time to bake, you are in the minority. My favorite snacks are one that are just assembled from readily available ingredients and served with no mess.

No Bake Nut Butter Oatmeal Cookie

The no bake cookie is a great way to get a healthy snack in a VERY short amount of time. The only catch is that you have to wait it to chill for 2 hours - but that isn't so bad is it?

The concept, introduced to me by Fitnessista is simple. Use rolled oats (not instant), nut butter, and assorted yummy foods to add in, a little milk and mush it together on a plate. The liquid will be absorbed by the oats while the cookie sits in the fridge.

This cookie makes a great breakfast. Make it the night before and grab it with your coffee. Also, kids totally love the idea of a breakfast cookie - and you can get them to mix in healthy things (and they get to use their hands!).

You can add slivered almonds, chocolate chips, dried fruit, honey, mushed banana, or whatever suits you.

The calorie content is going to depend on how much nut butter you use to hold it together. Nut butter is super healthy, but it is calorific, so if you are watching your weight you can use less.

Make a few cookies, toss them in the fridge, and you have a delicious and whole grain snack for any time of day.

No-Bake, Nut Butter, Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

(Serves 1)
1 small plate
1/3 cup oats
1 1/2 teaspoons nut butter
1/8 cup milk (soy milk, almond milk, etc.)
1 teaspoon raisins
1 teaspoon maple syrup

Mix all ingredients in a small bowl with your hands (kids will love this!). Mush onto plate, wrap with plastic wrap, and place in refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight.

Please share your favorite cookie type and/or recipe.

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