
Looking For A Free Version of Weight Watchers?

April 12, 2012   71 Comments

Is your financial belt tightening as your actual belt is tightening? Unfortunately, Weight Watchers isn't free.

Weight Watchers Free

Neither is Jenny Craig, MediFast, Curves, Slimfast, or whatever other diet you may be trying and (hopefully) succeeding at.

I don't think spending money on Weight Watchers is a waste. You are committing to a program that will most definitely teach you something about the way you eat. Even if you don't lose weight - you will learn about what is holding you back.

I have been reviewing the latest program - New WW Changes 2020. There are three plans and I have written posts on two of them - WW New Plan 2020: Purple Review & WW New Plan 2020: Blue Review so far.

If you choose to go to the Weight Watchers meetings, you also get a community of people devoted to the same goals. This community can be invaluable when trying to do something as difficult as changing your eating patterns.

But, Weight Watchers can be expensive. Sometimes after not losing weight for a few weeks, paying for Weight Watchers can feel downright silly.

If you're short on dough, the first thing I suggest is trying to follow the program for three months. After you learn the program with a notebook and the informational books they provide you can get pretty far., myfitnesspal and Lose It! are free websites that provide almost the same service at that as the Weight Watchers online site. They don't use SmartPoints but they do use calories and have databases of calories in common foods. They will help you track your food intake, exercise, and weight loss goals.

The key is finding something that works for you and it may be a combination of technology, cookbooks, and friends.

Finally, the amount of work you put into your weight loss program is directly related to how much you will change. Sadly, none of these websites or apps will stop you from eating junk food BUT they can help you make the process of losing weight more fun.

Frankly, I find that food journaling in a notebook is super helpful. It's low-tech but it is fast.

How do you come to terms with how with the cost of Weight Watchers? What solutions have become up with?

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